About APEX
Apex Diagnsotic Services is a state of the art health care facility delivering cardiology and diagnostic radiology services to people of the Peterborough and Kawartha region. Conveniently located on the West end of Peterborough, we are minutes away from major highways and have easy access for patients. This is a fully accessible facility with free parking on site. With exception of 24 hour Ambulatory BP monitoring which is not covered under OHIP, all tests and services are Free and covered by OHIP for all eligible Ontario residents. For Non-Residents, please call ahead to verify eligibility.
Our team of friendly cardiologists, radiologists, technologists and support staff take pride in delivering high quality care. From Bone Mineral Density, to Xray and Ultrasound, to Cardiac rhythm, echo and Nuclear medicine testing, we are your one stop service to patients near and far.
Our Team
Dr Ardavan Mahim M.D., MSc. BSc., FRCPC cardiology. Adjunct assistant professor at Queens University.
Dr Mahim completed his undergraduate degree at University of Toronto in Biology. He then studied medicine at the American University of the Caribbean prior to doing an internal medicine residency in Southfield Michigan in association with Wayne State University and Providence Hospital. After practicing as a general internist for several years, he chose to follow his heart into Cardiology. His cardiology fellowship was at London Health Sciences Center.
Dr Mahim has been active in promoting excellence in diagnostic imaging and cardiac care for his patients and for the community at large, one patient at a time. He has helped in establishing Cardiac Rehab services as well as sat on the Cardiac Services Planning Committee for the province of New Brunswick. He has been an early adopter of EMR as well as utilizing cutting edge digital technology.
In 2008 he moved to the Kawarthas and has made Peterborough his home. Here he established Apex Cardiovascular Services and Apex Diagnostics Services, providers of Cardiology as well as Radiology services for the region. With well over five thousand patients and counting, Apex has been instrumental in complementing medical care to the region thru Dr Mahim and his fellow associates.
Dr Christopher Knutson, MD. ABIM Cardiology
Dr Knutson is our newest addition to have made Peterborough his home. Having graduated from University of Buffalo, he moved to Peterborough with his family for the quality of life our region brings. As an avid Hockey player and Fisherman it did not take him long to make a home here in Peterborough.
Dr Marc Freeman, MD.
Dr Marc Freeman attended medical school at the University of Toronto and then completed a dual-certified residency in Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. He is the former Division Head and Residency Program Director of Nuclear Medicine in the Department of Medical Imaging at the University of Toronto and former Division Head of Nuclear Medicine in the Joint Department of Medical Imaging at University Health Network, Mount Sinai Hospital and Women’s College Hospital. He is a past recipient of the Wightman-Berris Award for Outstanding Postgraduate Teacher and was on the Residency Program Teaching Honour Roll from 2006-2012.
Marc Freeman has been a member of the Provincial PET Steering Committee and Ontario PET Access Program since 2007 and is currently the Network Lead for Nuclear Medicine at the College of Physician and Surgeons of Ontario. Since 2012, Marc has served as a staff physician in the Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Director of Nuclear Medicine at Timmins and District Hospital, providing regular continuing medical education to technologists and clinicians in North Eastern Ontario. He is also currently the Physician Lead for Nuclear Medicine at Trillium Health Partners and Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Medical Imaging at the University of Toronto.
Marc’s areas of expertise and interest include PET-CT, nuclear cardiology, and medical education.
News and Events
On June 11, James Strath Public School students planting a pollinator garden with GreenUP and local business.
Media Release